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150 Food [Vegetable, Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Fruits] Vocabulary Words in Japanese/Part-1[JLPTn5/A1-JLPTn2]

Writer's picture: Nanami Natsuko YoshiharaNanami Natsuko Yoshihara

150 Food [Vegetable, Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Fruits] Vocabulary Words in Japanese_Part-1
Podcast EP17_150 Food [Vegetable, Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Fruits] Vocabulary Words in Japanese_Part-1

Today, we will talk about 240 FOOD Vocabulary words in Japanese. But that’s too many words for 1 episode. So, I divided it into 2 parts. This episode covers 4 categories:

  1. Vegetables

  2. Beans and Legumes

  3. Nuts & Seeds

  4. Fruits

Vegetable is called YASAI in Japanese.

Garlic ニンニク

Ginger しょうが

Do you know Red pickled ginger served with Okonomiyaki and Beef Bowl/Gyudon? The Red pickled ginger is called Benishoga. べにしょうが・紅生姜

Japanese ginger ミョウガ

The taste of Myoga is unique, a bit spicy, and crisp.

Scallions ねぎ

Yellow Onions 玉ねぎ

↓↓↓The further vocabulary words are here in the transcript↓↓↓

This episode is for Japanese A1=N5/N4 learners. 

Don't only listen to the audio, repeat what you hear while listening! Move your mouth!


Nanami Yoshihara

Hi! I'm Nanami. I'm a Japanese teacher and run this website. 

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