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The Ultimate Guide to 30 COLOURS in Japanese+10 Essential Phrases for Clothes SHOPPING

Autorenbild: Nanami Natsuko YoshiharaNanami Natsuko Yoshihara

The Ultimate Guide to 30 COLOURS in Japanese [46 WORDS]+10 Essential Phrases for Clothes SHOPPING
The Ultimate Guide to 30 COLOURS in Japanese+10 Essential Phrases for Clothes SHOPPING

Podcast EP_16/ The Ultimate Guide to 30 COLOURS in Japanese
The Ultimate Guide to 30 COLOURS in Japanese

Today, we will learn 30 colors and ten essential phrases for clothes shopping.

Color/colors are called いろ in Japanese.

The Japanese color’s words are nouns. But some of them also have an adjective form. But today, I’ll show you ONLY noun forms because it’s easier.

I made a color chart on my website, which you can download. I believe the best way to memorize colors' vocabulary words is to read/see them while listening to this audio.

Let’s get started!

Blue あおORブルー is the Japanglisch word, which is an English word pronounced in the Japanese way.

Navy blue こんいろ The Japanglish word is ネイビー

Light blue みずいろ

みず means WATER. いろ means COLOR. みずいろ means the COLOR OF WATER.

Turquoise blue あおみどり The Japanglish word is ターコイズ

purple むらさき The Japanglish word is パープル

Bluish purple あおむらさき

Burgundy あかむらさき あかmeans RED, むらさき means PURPLE. 

The Japanglish word is ボルドー.

Pink ももいろ もも means PEACH, PEACH COLOR. 

The Japanglish word is ピンク.

Red あか The Japanglish word is レッド.

Scarlet しゅいろ. しゅいろ is used for the Shinto shrine’s gate color.

Orange オレンジ

Yellow きいろ The Japanglish word is イエロー.

Lemon yellow レモン色

Green みどり The Japanglish word is グリーン.

Light green きみどり きmeans Kiiro[Yellow]+みどり[Greenn].

Dark green ふかみどり ふかmeans DEEP.

Emerald green エメラルドグリーン

Kahki カーキ

Brown ちゃいろ ちゃ means TEA. 茶色 means TEA CLOUR. ブラウン

Dark brown こげちゃいろ こげ means BE BURNED. こげちゃmeans BURNED Brown. 

The Japanglish word is ダークブラウン.

Ocher おうどいろ means A Brownish-yellow SAND color.

Beige ベージュ

Pinkish beige ピンクベージュ

Cream クリーム

White しろ The Japanglish word is ホワイト.

Grey はいいろ はい means ASH, Ash color. The Japanglish word is グレー.

Greige グレージュ

Black くろ The Japanglish word is ブラック.

Gold きん The Japanglish word is ゴールド.

Silver ぎん The Japanglish word is シルバー.

We don’t have SI sound, so we must use SHI, SHI lu ba a.

All the forms I have presented are nouns.

How do you say A PINK PEN?

ピンクのペン: colour word の ペン

の is a MARKER called NOUN CONNECTER, which combines two nouns. The first noun modifies the second one. In other words, Noun+の works like an adjective.

How do you say AN ORANGE PEN?


How do you say A BLUE PEN?


How do you say A SILVER iPhone?


How do you say A BLACK T-shirt?


Now, let’s talk about essential phrases with colors for clothes shopping!

くろのTシャツがありますか。means “Do you have any black T-shirts?”

SOMETHING が ありますか。means Do you have any SOMETHING/Noun?

How do you ask,” Do you have any blue T-shirts? ”

あおのTシャツが ありますか。

How do you ask,” Do you have any white T-shirts?”


The fitting room is 試着室 in Japanese.

Can you ask,” Do you have a fitting room?”

しちゃくつ が ありますか。

Where is the fitting room?




Can you say,” Could I try this on?”

きてみてもいいですか。  Kite mitemo ii desuka.

他のmeans another, 他の色 means ANOTHER COLOR.

How do you ask, “Do you have this in another color?”


How do you ask, “Do you have this in another size?”

他のサイズがありますか。 サイズ is the Japanglish word.

ちょっと大きいです。This means this one is a bit too big.

ちょっと小さいです。This means this one is a bit too small.

大きいです means BIG. 小さいです means SMALL. ちょっとmeans A BIT.


This one is a bit too big. Do you have this in another size?

How do you say, ”This one is a bit too small. Do you have this in another size? ”


How do you ask, “Do you have this in a small size?”



How do you ask, “Do you have this in a medium size?”



How do you ask, “Do you have this in a large size?”



How do you ask, “Do you have this in an extra large size?”



Do you know how to ask for prices?

How much is this T-shirt?

このTシャツは いくらですか。


IKULA DESU KA means How much does SOMETHING cost?

このTシャツは いくらですか。


How do you say, how much is this orange T-shirt?

このオレンジのTシャツは いくらですか。

This Orange T-shirt is in Japanese このオレンジのTシャツ

How do you say, how much is this green T-shirt?

このみどりのTシャツは いくらですか。

How do you say, how much is this red T-shirt?

このあかのTシャツは いくらですか。

Do you know how to say, “ Could I have this T-shirt?”

このTシャツをください。SOMETHING を ください。

The counterword for T-shirts is 枚[まい-mai].

How do you say,” Could I have two of these T-shirts?”


How do you say,” Could I have three of these?”


How do you say,” Could I have four of these?”


How do you say,” Could I have 4 of these ORANGE T-shirts?”


Do you know how to say, “I’ll pay by card?”


カードis the Japanglish word which means CARD. お願いしますmeans PLEASE.


Don’t forget to get the receipt for a tax refund! In Japan, the Value Added Tax (VAT) is referred to as the Consumption Tax. You can claim Japan’s 10 percent VAT on many of your purchases.

Can I have the receipt, please?

レシートをください。 レシート is the Japanglish word.

Today, we learned 30 color vocabulary words and 10 essential phrases for Clothes SHOPPING.

I hope you enjoyed this episode.

Thank you for listening! ありがとうございました。

☟ PDF_30 COLOURS in Japanese+10 Essential Phrases for Clothes SHOPPING

This episode is for Japanese A1=N5/N4 learners. 

Don't only listen to the audio, repeat what you hear while listening! Move your mouth!



Nanami Yoshihara

Hi! I'm Nanami. I'm a Japanese teacher and run this website. 

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