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130 Japanese Food Vocabulary Words [Grains, Algae, Fish, Meat, Dairy products, Oils, Sweeteners, condiments and Spices] Part-2 [JLPTn5/A1-JLPTn2]

Autorenbild: Nanami Natsuko YoshiharaNanami Natsuko Yoshihara
130 Japanese Food Vocabulary Words [Grains, Algae, Fish, Meat, Dairy products, Oils, Sweeteners, condiments and Spices]  Part-2 [JLPTn5/A1-JLPTn2]
130 Japanese Food Vocabulary [Grains, Algae, Fish, Meat, Dairy products, Oils, Sweeteners, condiments and Spices]

Eggs たまご

Egg yolk 黄身

Egg white 白身

Boiled eggs ゆで玉子

Scrambled eggs スクランブルエッグ

Sunny-side up 目玉焼き

Omelet オムレツ

Japanese Omelet 玉子焼き

Japanese comfort food_A Raw egg on rice 卵かけご飯


Olive oilオーリーブオイル

Sesame oil ごま油

Sunflower oilひまわり油

Margarine マーガリン

↓↓↓The further vocabulary words are here in the transcript↓↓↓

This episode is for Japanese A1=N5/N4 learners. 

Don't only listen to the audio, repeat what you hear while listening! Move your mouth!


Nanami Yoshihara

Hi! I'm Nanami. I'm a Japanese teacher and run this website. 

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